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Archangel Oriphiel's
Starter Kit

Arcangel Oriphiel Anchor

Archangel Oriphiel

determined, just, disciplined, loyal, reliable, serious, grounded, patient, protective, steadfast, dutiful, focused, vigilant, calm, organized, methodical, efficient, responsible, and practical.


---Holy water
White candles
Bread or grains
Statues or images of angels
Sacred music


Angel cards
Dream interpretation
Crystal divination
Pendulum divination

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"Oriphiel, defender of the divine realm, guide me with your wisdom and strengthen me with your grace."
"With Oriphiel's light, I am protected from all harm and my path is illuminated with divine purpose."
"Oriphiel, bringer of stability and order, I call upon your divine power to help me overcome any obstacle."

Stones & Herbs:

Blue lace agate

Angelica, Calendula, Echinacea, Hyssop, Lavender, Meadowsweet, Sage


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The Hermit

The Tower

The High Priestess


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Canis Major




---3 Hz - Theta Brainwave Frequency: Theta brainwaves are associated with deep meditation, relaxation, and heightened spiritual awareness. This frequency could support the exploration of inner wisdom and spiritual insight.
---3.5 Hz - Christ Consciousness Frequency: This frequency is often associated with the state of Christ consciousness, representing divine love, compassion, and enlightenment.
---3.9 Hz - Shamanic Journey Frequency: This frequency is sometimes associated with shamanic practices and can support deep spiritual exploration, inner transformation, and connection with higher realms.

Signs & Synchronicities






                              Oriphiel, also known as Orifiel, is an archangel who is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church but is recognized in some esoteric and occult traditions. Oriphiel is associated with wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality, and is often called upon for guidance and spiritual growth.

Offerings can be given to Oriphiel as a way of showing respect and gratitude. Some common offerings for Oriphiel include:

Blue candles: These are often used to represent wisdom and can be lit during prayers or rituals to call upon Oriphiel's energy to gain knowledge and understanding.
White lilies: These are associated with purity and spiritual connection and can be used in offerings to Oriphiel as a way of asking for guidance and spiritual growth.
Myrrh incense: This is often used in spiritual and magical practices for its purifying and grounding properties. It can be burned as an offering to Oriphiel to help with spiritual transformation and growth.
Selenite crystal: This is a powerful crystal associated with spiritual connection and can be used in meditation or placed on an altar as a way of connecting with Oriphiel's energy.
Incantations can be used to call upon Oriphiel's energy for guidance and spiritual growth. Some common incantations for Oriphiel include:

"Oriphiel, I call upon your wisdom and guidance. Help me to gain knowledge and understanding and to grow spiritually."
"Oriphiel, I ask for your help in connecting with my higher self and finding my spiritual path. Please guide me towards the experiences and people that will help me grow."
"Oriphiel, I ask for your protection and blessings as I embark on my spiritual journey. Please surround me with your light and help me to stay grounded and focused."
Divination can be used to gain insight and guidance from Oriphiel. Some divination methods that can be used when working with Oriphiel include:

Tarot: The tarot card associated with Oriphiel is The Hermit, which represents introspection, solitude, and spiritual growth. Drawing this card in a reading can indicate that Oriphiel is present and offering guidance.
Pendulum: A pendulum can be used to ask yes or no questions and receive guidance from Oriphiel. The pendulum can be programmed to indicate a specific response, such as swinging back and forth for yes and in a circle for no.
Oracle cards: Oracle cards can be used to receive messages and guidance from Oriphiel. The Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray include a card specifically for Oriphiel, which can be used in readings.
Stones can be used to connect with Oriphiel's energy and gain spiritual insight and growth. Some stones associated with Oriphiel include:

Amethyst: This is a powerful stone associated with spiritual connection and clarity. It can be used in meditation or placed on an altar as a way of connecting with Oriphiel's energy and receiving spiritual guidance.
Lapis lazuli: This is a stone associated with wisdom and truth. It can be used to access higher levels of consciousness and to receive guidance from Oriphiel.
Labradorite: This is a stone associated with spiritual awakening and transformation. It can be used in meditation or placed on an altar as a way of connecting with Oriphiel's energy and undergoing spiritual growth.
Herbs can be used in offerings or rituals to connect with Oriphiel's energy and gain spiritual insight and growth. Some herbs associated with Oriphiel include:

Frankincense: This is a herb associated with spiritual connection and can be burned as an offering to Oriphiel to help with spiritual growth and transformation.

Mugwort: This is a herb associated with psychic ability and intuition. It can be used in offerings or rituals to help connect with Oriphiel's energy and gain spiritual insight.
There are several items that can be used in rituals or offerings to connect with Oriphiel's energy, including:

Altar: An altar can be used as a sacred space for connecting with Oriphiel's energy. It can be decorated with candles, crystals, herbs, and other items associated with this archangel.
Book of shadows: A book of shadows can be used as a tool for recording spiritual insights and experiences. It can be dedicated to Oriphiel as a way of seeking guidance and spiritual growth.
Wand: A wand can be used in rituals or meditation to channel Oriphiel's energy and focus intentions.
Physicalities of Oriphiel
Oriphiel is not commonly depicted in art or iconography, so there are no specific physical characteristics associated with this archangel.

Oriphiel is an archangel associated with wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual growth. When working with Oriphiel in spiritual or magical practices, offerings, incantations, divinations, stones, herbs, and items can be used to connect with his energy and gain spiritual insight and growth. While there are no specific physical characteristics associated with Oriphiel, his energy can be felt through these practices and can lead to profound spiritual transformation and growth.
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