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Archangel Barachiel's
Starter Kit

Arcangel Barachiel Anchor

Archangel Barachiel

majestic, powerful, benevolent, radiant, wise, graceful, protective, divine, faithful, merciful, compassionate, guiding, illuminating, nurturing, inspiring, heavenly, joyous, abundant, loving, and comforting.


---Fresh flowers
---Food or drink
---Written prayers or intentions
---Artwork or crafts


---Tarot reading
---Pendulum divination
---I Ching


---"Barachiel, heavenly guide and protector, watch over me and keep me safe in your embrace."
---"With Barachiel's blessings, may my path be illuminated and my spirit uplifted."
---"Barachiel, bringer of blessings and grace, I call upon your divine light to guide me through life's challenges."

Stones & Herbs:

---Clear quartz
---Rose quartz
---Black tourmaline
---Lapis lazuli
---Smoky quartz

Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Peppermint

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The Sun

The Star

The Chariot


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Ursa Major




Signs & Synchronicities


---Encountering a sudden burst of joy or feeling a sense of lightness, indicating Archangel Barachiel's presence and assistance in bringing blessings and upliftment.
---Noticing an increase in the presence of flowers, especially white or pink blooms, as a sign of Archangel Barachiel's energy and influence.
---Experiencing serendipitous encounters or unexpected acts of kindness, serving as signs of Archangel Barachiel's guidance and support in fostering harmony and positive connections.

---White doves

---639 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Harmonious Relationships" or "Solfeggio Frequency of the Heart Chakra," it is associated with healing relationships, forgiveness, and creating harmonious connections. This resonates with Archangel Barachiel's attributes of fostering love, harmony, and positive interactions.
---432 Hz: Known as the "Universal Frequency" or "Nature's Frequency," it is believed to promote balance, harmony, and spiritual development. This aligns with Archangel Barachiel's role in bringing blessings, abundance, and divine support.
---963 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of the Gods" or "Solfeggio Frequency of the Crown Chakra," it is associated with spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and divine wisdom. This relates to Archangel Barachiel's attribute of assisting individuals in deepening their spiritual connection and accessing divine guidance.

                                                Barachiel is an archangel who is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church but is recognized in some Christian denominations and in certain esoteric traditions. Barachiel is associated with blessings, abundance, and good fortune, and is often called upon for help with manifesting prosperity and happiness.

Offerings can be given to Barachiel as a way of showing respect and gratitude. Some common offerings for Barachiel include:

Yellow candles: These are often used to represent abundance and can be lit during prayers or rituals to call upon Barachiel's energy to manifest prosperity and success.
Sunflowers: These are associated with happiness and positivity and can be used in offerings to Barachiel as a way of asking for blessings and good fortune.
Cinnamon incense: This is often used in spiritual and magical practices for its energizing and purifying properties. It can be burned as an offering to Barachiel to ask for prosperity and success.
Citrine crystal: This is a powerful crystal associated with abundance and manifestation. It can be placed on an altar or used in meditation as a way of connecting with Barachiel's energy.
Incantations can be used to call upon Barachiel's energy for blessings, abundance, and good fortune. Some common incantations for Barachiel include:

"Barachiel, I call upon you to bless me with abundance and success. Help me to manifest my dreams and bring prosperity into my life."
"Barachiel, I ask for your help in finding joy and happiness. Please guide me towards the people and experiences that will bring positivity into my life."
"Barachiel, I ask for your blessings and protection. Please surround me with your light and shield me from any negative energies or influences."
Divination can be used to gain insight and guidance from Barachiel. Some divination methods that can be used when working with Barachiel include:

Oracle cards: Oracle cards can be used to receive messages and guidance from Barachiel. The Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray include a card specifically for Barachiel, which can be used in readings.
Pendulum: A pendulum can be used to ask yes or no questions and receive guidance from Barachiel. The pendulum can be programmed to indicate a specific response, such as swinging back and forth for yes and in a circle for no.
Tarot: There are no specific tarot cards associated with Barachiel, but the Ace of Pentacles or the Nine of Cups can indicate abundance and blessings.
Stones can be used to connect with Barachiel's energy and manifest abundance and good fortune. Some stones associated with Barachiel include:

Green aventurine: This is a stone associated with prosperity and abundance. It can be used in rituals or meditation to call upon Barachiel's energy to manifest success and financial stability.
Clear quartz: This is a powerful stone associated with manifestation and amplification. It can be used in rituals or placed on an altar as a way of amplifying Barachiel's energy and intentions.
Citrine: This is a stone associated with abundance and manifestation. It can be used in rituals or meditation to call upon Barachiel's energy to manifest success and prosperity.
Herbs can be used in offerings or rituals to connect with Barachiel's energy and manifest blessings and good fortune. Some herbs associated with Barachiel include:

Cinnamon: This is a herb associated with abundance and success. It can be burned as an offering to Barachiel to ask for blessings and good fortune.
Bay leaves: These are associated with prosperity and can be used in rituals or offerings to Barachiel to ask for financial stability and abundance.

Mint: This is a herb associated with joy and positivity. It can be used in offerings or rituals to call upon Barachiel's energy to bring happiness and blessings.
There are several items that can be used in rituals or offerings to connect with Barachiel's energy, including:

Altar: An altar can be used as a sacred space for connecting with Barachiel's energy. It can be decorated with candles, crystals, herbs, and other items associated with this archangel.
Chalice: A chalice can be used for offerings of water or other liquids. It can be decorated with symbols or images associated with Barachiel.
Prosperity spell jar: A spell jar can be used to manifest prosperity and abundance. It can be filled with herbs, crystals, and other items associated with Barachiel and can be charged with his energy and intentions.
Physicalities of Barachiel
Barachiel is often depicted as a figure wearing a white robe and holding a basket of bread or flowers. He is sometimes depicted with a beard and has been described as having a gentle and caring demeanor. Barachiel is sometimes associated with the planet Jupiter, which is associated with good fortune and abundance.

Barachiel is an archangel associated with blessings, abundance, and good fortune. When working with Barachiel in spiritual or magical practices, offerings, incantations, divinations, stones, herbs, and items can be used to connect with his energy and manifest prosperity and happiness. Barachiel is often depicted as a figure holding a basket of bread or flowers and is associated with the planet Jupiter.
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