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Saint Paul's
Starter Kit

Saint Paul Anchor

Saint Paul

Faithful, Devout, Courageous, Charismatic, Inspirational, Tenacious, Determined, Zealous, Resilient, Bold, Selfless, Passionate, Intellectual, Disciplined, Visionary, Creative, Resourceful, Inspirational, Communicative, Insightful, Strong-willed, Humble, Forgiving, Loving, Compassionate, Dedicated, Pious, Inspiring, Trustworthy, Bold, Obedient, Influential, Committed.


---White candles
---Rose petals


---Bibliomancy (divination using books)
---Tarot cards
---Palm reading
---Pendulum divination

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---"Saint Paul, apostle of Christ, guide me on my journey and protect me from harm."
---"By the power of Saint Paul, I call upon the divine for wisdom and understanding."
---"Saint Paul, disciple of the Lord, hear my prayer and bless me with strength and courage to face my trials."

Stones & Herbs:

---Clear Quartz
---Blue Lace Agate
---Black Tourmaline

Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Mint, Bay leaves, Basil


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The Magician

The Tower

The High Priestess


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---174 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Foundation" or the "Solfeggio Frequency of the Root Chakra," it is associated with grounding, stability, and feeling secure. This resonates with Saint Paul's steadfastness and unwavering faith.
---417 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Change" or the "Solfeggio Frequency of Undoing," it is believed to facilitate change, transformation, and spiritual growth. This aligns with Saint Paul's journey of conversion and his dedication to spreading the teachings of Christ.
---852 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Spiritual Order" or the "Solfeggio Frequency of the Third Eye Chakra," it is associated with spiritual elevation, intuition, and awakening. This relates to Saint Paul's deep spiritual insights and his ability to communicate divine truths.

Signs & Synchronicities


---Encountering references to the number 3, representing Saint Paul's three missionary journeys.
---Seeing or hearing the name "Paul" in unexpected places or encountering individuals who share his name.
---Experiencing a sense of inspiration and motivation to pursue personal growth and spiritual transformation, as a sign of Saint Paul's influence.

---Rooster: Symbolizing Saint Paul's association with the crowing of the rooster, which reminds us of his role in the story of Peter's denial.

                              Saint Paul is a prominent figure in the Christian faith, particularly in Catholicism. He was a Jewish pharisee who converted to Christianity and became one of the early leaders of the Christian church. In the practice of witchcraft, Saint Paul is often called upon for guidance, protection, and strength. In this article, we will explore the various offerings, incantations, divinations, stones, herbs, and items that are commonly used when working with Saint Paul in witchcraft.


Saint Paul, also known as the Apostle Paul, was born in Tarsus, a city in modern-day Turkey. He was a Jewish pharisee who persecuted early Christians before experiencing a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. After his conversion, Saint Paul became a leader in the early Christian church, traveling extensively to spread the gospel message. He is also known for writing many of the epistles, or letters, in the New Testament.

Offerings for Saint Paul

Offerings are an important part of working with Saint Paul in witchcraft. Here are some common offerings that are made to the saint:

Bread: Bread is a traditional offering to Saint Paul, representing his role as a leader in the early Christian church and his connection to the Eucharist.
Books: Books, particularly those containing his epistles, are a common offering to Saint Paul, representing his wisdom and teachings.
Blue candles: Blue candles are often used when working with Saint Paul, representing his connection to the spiritual realm.
Incantations for Saint Paul

Incantations are often used when working with Saint Paul in witchcraft. Here are some examples of incantations that are commonly used:

"Saint Paul, guide me on my spiritual journey and help me to find my path."
"By the power of Saint Paul, I am strong and resilient in the face of adversity."
"Saint Paul, bring me wisdom and understanding to help me navigate life's challenges."
Divinations for Saint Paul

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown through supernatural means. Here are some examples of divinations that can be done when working with Saint Paul in witchcraft:

Tarot readings: The Hierophant card in the tarot deck is often associated with Saint Paul, representing his role as a spiritual leader.
Pendulum readings: A pendulum can be used to ask Saint Paul yes or no questions.
Scrying: A mirror or other reflective surface can be used to seek guidance from Saint Paul.
Stones and Herbs for Saint Paul

Stones and herbs are often used in witchcraft to represent different energies and qualities. Here are some examples of stones and herbs that are associated with Saint Paul:

Stones: Lapis lazuli, amethyst, and sodalite are all stones that are associated with Saint Paul. These stones represent wisdom, spiritual connection, and communication.
Herbs: Sage, rosemary, and lavender are all herbs that are associated with Saint Paul. These herbs represent wisdom, purification, and protection.
Items for Saint Paul

Various items can be used when working with Saint Paul in witchcraft. Here are some examples:

Books: Books containing Saint Paul's epistles can be used as a focal point for meditation or as a symbol of devotion to the saint.
Coins: Coins can be used to represent Saint Paul's financial support of the early Christian church.
Statues: Statues depicting Saint Paul can be used as a focal point for meditation or as a symbol of devotion.

Physicalities of Saint Paul in Catholic Religion

In Catholicism, Saint Paul is often depicted with a beard and wearing a long robe and a miter, or bishop's hat. He is also often shown holding a sword, representing his role as a spiritual warrior. Additionally, Saint Paul is traditionally associated with the color blue, symbolizing his connection to the spiritual realm.


Some symbols associated with Saint Paul in the Catholic religion include a sword, a book, and a shield. These symbols represent his role as a spiritual warrior, his wisdom and teachings, and his protection.


Working with Saint Paul in witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. By making offerings, performing incantations, practicing divination, and using stones, herbs, and items associated with the saint, practitioners can tap into his wisdom, guidance, and protection. While there is no definitive description of Saint Paul's physical appearance, symbols, clothing, and other aspects associated with him can be used to honor and connect with him in spiritual practice.
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