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Aengus Og's
Starter Kit

Aengus Óg Anchor

Aengus Óg

youthful, beautiful, creative, artistic, poetic, musical, romantic, passionate, loving, caring, wise, insightful, mysterious, magical, transformative, influential, generous, powerful, inspiring, charming, and joyous.


---Fresh flowers
---Honey or mead
---Fine chocolates
---Artistic or musical offerings
---Beautifully crafted jewelry or art
---Poetic or written works of art
---Personal offerings of love and devotion


---Tarot reading with a deck featuring Celtic themes
---Scrying with a bowl of water
---Pendulum divination
---Automatic writing
---Astrology with a focus on Celtic zodiac signs
---Dream interpretation with a focus on symbols from Celtic mythology


Stones & Herbs:

---"Aengus Óg, master of love and beauty, I call upon your divine presence to bless me with love and light."
---"With Aengus Óg's guidance, I am empowered to express my creativity and live life to the fullest."
---"Aengus Óg, lord of the Celtic Otherworld and keeper of the secrets of the universe, I call upon your wisdom and guidance to help me find my path."

Aengus Óg 2.png


The Empress Darker.png
The lovers lighter.png
The Sun.png

The Empress

The Lovers

The Sun


---Rose quartz
---Green aventurine
---Blue lace agate

Meadowsweet, Lavender, Yarrow, Rose petals, Chamomile, Thyme, Sage

Delphi 1.png
Cygnus 1.png
Aquila 1.png





Signs & Synchronicities


---432 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Divine Harmony," it is believed to promote a sense of calmness, spiritual connection, and alignment with the natural world. This resonates with Aengus Óg's association with nature, beauty, and his role as a god of love.
---528 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Love" or the "Miracle Tone," it is associated with healing, restoration, and creating harmony. This aligns with Aengus Óg's attributes of love, beauty, and poetic inspiration.
---639 Hz: Known as the "Frequency of Harmonious Relationships" or the "Solfeggio Frequency of the Heart Chakra," it is believed to enhance communication, foster forgiveness, and promote positive relationships. This relates to Aengus Óg's associations with love, relationships, and fostering harmony.

---Finding feathers, particularly those of swans or birds of prey, in unexpected places
---Hearing the call of a bird associated with Aengus Óg during moments of contemplation or connection with nature
---Experiencing synchronicities related to love, beauty, or poetic inspiration

---Birds of prey, such as hawks or falcons
---Stags or deer

                                           Celtic mythology is rich in gods, goddesses, and mystical creatures that have been worshiped for centuries. One such deity is Aengus Óg, who is associated with love, fertility, and youth. He is also known as the god of dreams, and it is believed that he is responsible for bringing dreams to people while they sleep. In this article, we will explore the offerings, incantations, divinations, stones, herbs, and items used for witchcraft when working with Celtic god Aengus Óg. Additionally, we will also describe the physicalities of the god Aengus Óg of Celtic mythology, including symbols, offering items, clothing, weapons, jewelry, hair, facial features, tattoos, and the tarot card and constellation associated with him.

Offerings, Incantations, Divinations, Stones, Herbs, and Items used for Witchcraft


Honey: Honey is associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of love and fertility.
Flowers: Flowers are associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of youth and beauty.
Mead: Mead is associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of celebration and merriment.
Artwork: Artwork is associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of creativity and inspiration.

"Aengus Óg, god of dreams, hear my call and guide me in my sleep."
"Aengus Óg, god of love and fertility, bless this union and bring us joy."
"Aengus Óg, god of youth and beauty, bless me with your grace and radiance."

Tarot: Aengus Óg is associated with the tarot card The Lovers, which represents love, passion, and union.
Scrying: A bowl of water or a mirror can be used for scrying to seek guidance or insight from Aengus Óg.

Rose Quartz: This stone is associated with love, healing, and emotional balance, which are traits commonly attributed to Aengus Óg.
Amethyst: This stone represents creativity, inspiration, and spiritual growth, making it an appropriate stone to use when working with Aengus Óg.

Lavender: This herb is often used to promote restful sleep and is associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of dreams.
Yarrow: This herb is associated with love and fertility, making it appropriate to use in spells related to these themes.
Items used for Witchcraft:

Art supplies: Aengus Óg is associated with creativity and inspiration, so art supplies such as paint, canvas, or pencils can be used in spellwork.
Flowers: Flowers are associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of youth and beauty and can be used in spellwork related to these themes.
Physicalities of the God Aengus Óg


Swan: The swan is the most commonly associated symbol with Aengus Óg, representing his association with love and beauty.
Harp: The harp represents Aengus Óg's association with music and creativity.
Clover: The clover is associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of luck and fortune.
Offering Items:

Honey: This is the most commonly used offering item associated with Aengus Óg, representing his association with love and fertility.
Flowers: Flowers are associated with Aengus Óg's role as a god of youth and beauty and can be used as offering items to honor him.


Aengus Óg is typically depicted wearing clothing made of fine materials, such as silk or satin. He may also be depicted wearing clothing associated with musicians or bards, such as a cloak or tunic.

Aengus Óg is not typically associated with any specific weapons.

Aengus Óg is often depicted wearing a torc, which is a type of Celtic neck ring. He may also be depicted wearing other jewelry associated with musicians and bards, such as bracelets or earrings.

Aengus Óg is typically depicted with long, flowing hair that is blonde or light brown in color.
Facial Features:

Aengus Óg is often depicted as a handsome and youthful god, with chiseled facial features and a strong jawline.

There is no specific information available about tattoos associated with Aengus Óg in Celtic mythology.
Tarot Card and Constellation Associated with Aengus Óg

Aengus Óg is associated with the tarot card The Lovers, which represents love, passion, and union.
Aengus Óg is not associated with any specific constellation in Celtic mythology. However, he could be associated with the constellation Cygnus, which contains the Northern Cross, a symbol often associated with love and union.
In conclusion, Aengus Óg is a powerful deity in Celtic mythology, associated with love, fertility, youth, and dreams. When working with Aengus Óg in witchcraft, offerings of honey, flowers, mead, and artwork can be used. Incantations and divinations can also be used to seek guidance and inspiration from Aengus Óg. Stones such as rose quartz and amethyst, and herbs such as lavender and yarrow can be used in spellwork. Symbols associated with Aengus Óg include the swan, harp, and clover, while clothing and jewelry may be associated with musicians and bards. Aengus Óg is often depicted with long, flowing hair, chiseled facial features, and a youthful appearance. While he is associated with the tarot card The Lovers, he is not associated with any specific constellation in Celtic mythology.

In terms of using Aengus Óg in witchcraft, there are a few different ways that his energy and symbolism can be incorporated into various practices:

Herbs: Some herbs that are associated with Aengus Óg include lavender, rose petals, meadowsweet, and hawthorn. These herbs can be used in rituals or spells to invoke Aengus's energy of love and beauty.
Stones: Stones that are associated with Aengus Óg include rose quartz, clear quartz, and green aventurine. These stones can be used in crystal grids or meditation to connect with Aengus's energy of love and creativity.
Tarot Cards: In tarot, Aengus Óg can be associated with the Lovers card, which represents love, union, and harmony. The Lovers card can be used in readings to gain insight into matters of the heart and relationships.
Incantations: Incantations can be used to invoke Aengus's energy and to ask for his blessings. For example, a simple incantation might be: "Aengus Óg, god of love and beauty, hear my call and bring your blessings to me."
Divination: Aengus Óg can be invoked during divination practices to gain insight into matters of love, creativity, and beauty. For example, he might be called upon during a tarot reading or scrying session.
Offerings: Offerings can be made to Aengus Óg as a sign of respect and to request his assistance in matters related to love and creativity. Offerings might include flowers, honey, or mead.
It is important to note that, as with any deity or spiritual figure, it is essential to approach Aengus Óg with respect and reverence. It is also important to do thorough research on his mythology and symbolism before incorporating him into any practices or rituals. Additionally, it is always best to work with deities and spiritual figures within the context of a larger spiritual practice or tradition, rather than attempting to use them in isolation or without guidance
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