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Anubis Anchor
Anubis Anchor

Beautiful, mysterious, jackal-headed, guardian of the dead, embalming, mummification, underworld, judgment, psychopomp, protector, guide, scales, afterlife, funeral rites, wisdom, intelligence, keen senses, solemn, vigilant, steadfast, loyal, fair, compassionate, impartial, powerful, authoritative, divine judge, balance, transition, transformation.


---Beer or wine
---Meat or animal offerings
---Embalming oils


---Scrying (divination by gazing into a reflective surface)
---Tarot cards
---Bibliomancy (divination by interpreting a randomly selected book passage)
---Dream interpretation


---"Anubis, guide of the dead and protector of souls, I ask for your wisdom and guidance in my journey through life and beyond."
---"Lord of the embalming process and keeper of the underworld, Anubis, I offer you my reverence and ask for your blessings on my spiritual practice and protection from harm."
---"Anubis, opener of the way and guardian of the threshold, I invoke your power and protection, and ask for your blessings on my transitions and new beginnings."

Stones & Herbs:

---Lapis lazuli
---Black onyx
---Smoky quartz
---Black tourmaline

Myrrh, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Sage

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Death Card Dope.png
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The Fool


The Hanged Man


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Sirius 1 (Canis Major).png


Canis Major



---432 Hz: Known as the "cosmic frequency," it is associated with a sense of balance, harmony, and spiritual awakening, reflecting Anubis' role as a divine judge and guardian of the afterlife.
---528 Hz: Referred to as the "love frequency," it promotes healing, transformation, and spiritual growth, aligning with Anubis' compassionate and transformative nature.
---741 Hz: Associated with intuition, inner knowing, and spiritual perception, resonating with Anubis' wisdom and guidance in the realm of the dead.

Sign & Synchronicities



---The presence of jackals or dogs
---Funerals or burial sites
---Dreams or visions related to death or the afterlife
---Sudden or unexpected encounters with jackal or dog symbols or images
---Feeling a strong connection to the concept of death and the afterlife
---Hearing howling or barking sounds at significant moments
---Seeing images or representations of Anubis in art, statues, or hieroglyphs

                                    Anubis is an ancient Egyptian god who is sometimes included in Wiccan pantheons as a representation of death, transition, and guidance. He is associated with mummification and the afterlife, and is often depicted with the head of a jackal.

To work with Anubis in Wiccan practice, you can use a variety of techniques including offerings, divination, incantations, and spell work. Here are some examples:

Offerings: You can offer Anubis offerings that are associated with death and the afterlife, such as incense, flowers, or wine. You might also offer him offerings that are associated with the guidance and protection he offers, such as amulets or statues.

Divination: You can use divination techniques to connect with Anubis's energy and seek guidance from him. Tarot cards or runes can be used to seek his insight and wisdom.

Incantations: You can recite incantations or chants to call upon Anubis's energy and power. You might use the power of the full moon or the energy of the underworld to empower your incantations.

Spell work: You can perform spells or rituals to connect with Anubis's energy and power. For example, you might perform a ritual to honor the god, or a spell to call upon his guidance and protection.

Working with Anubis can help you connect with your own sense of transition and guidance, and can be especially useful during times of change or transformation. Whether you choose to work with him through offerings, divination, incantations, or spell work, it's important to approach this practice with reverence, respect, and a willingness to learn and grow.

It's important to note that Anubis is a complex figure with a rich history and mythology. Different Wiccans may have different interpretations of his qualities and attributes. Some may see him as a protector of the dead and guide of the soul, while others may see him as a symbol of transformation and rebirth. Regardless of how you choose to work with him, approaching Anubis with respect and reverence can help you tap into his energy and use it to enhance your own spiritual practice.

Anubis is an ancient Egyptian god associated with death, mummification, and the afterlife. He is typically depicted as a canine or jackal-headed figure, often wearing a robe and holding a staff or scepter. In Egyptian mythology, Anubis was responsible for guiding the souls of the deceased to the afterlife and was also associated with embalming and the weighing of the heart ceremony.

Offerings are a common practice in many spiritual traditions, including witchcraft. Offerings are given as a gesture of respect and gratitude to the gods or spirits, and can include food, drink, incense, flowers, or other items that are deemed appropriate. In working with Anubis, offerings might include offerings of meat or bones, as the jackal was associated with scavenging and hunting. Offerings of wine or other alcoholic beverages might also be appropriate, as Anubis was associated with drunkenness in some myths.

Incantations, or spoken or written spells or prayers, can also be used in working with Anubis. Specific incantations may be used to invoke his presence, to ask for his assistance in a particular matter, or to offer thanks or praise. These incantations may be spoken in ancient Egyptian or translated into a modern language.

Divination, or the practice of seeking guidance or knowledge from the divine, can also be used in relation to Anubis. This might include the use of tarot cards, runes, pendulums, or other divinatory tools, as well as practices such as scrying or dream interpretation. Some witches may also use a specific type of divination associated with ancient Egypt, such as reading the entrails of animals.

Stones and herbs can also be used in working with Anubis. Stones that are associated with the color black or with the element of earth might be particularly appropriate, as these are associated with death and the underworld. Herbs that might be used in working with Anubis might include anise, wormwood, or myrrh, which are all associated with death or the underworld.

In terms of physical depictions, Anubis is typically depicted as a canine or jackal-headed figure. He may also be depicted as a human figure with a jackal head, or with a combination of human and jackal features. In addition to his robe and staff, he may also be depicted wearing jewelry or other adornments, such as bracelets or anklets. It is unclear whether or not ancient Egyptians practiced tattooing, so it is unknown if Anubis would have had tattoos or other body modifications.

In conclusion, working with Anubis in witchcraft can involve a variety of practices, including offerings, incantations, divinations, stones, and herbs. Anubis is typically depicted as a canine or jackal-headed figure, often wearing a robe and holding a staff or scepter. It is important to approach spiritual practices with respect and sensitivity, and to avoid cultural appropriation or misrepresentation.

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